Ovo je opet sjajan rezultat naših mladih ekoreportera. Sa ponosom predstavljamo najbolji članak u kategoriji 15-18 godina i najbolju fotopriču u kategoriji 11-25 godina na konkursu “Young reporters for the environment 2023”. Crna Gora je jedina od zemalja imala dva prva mjesta u deset takmičarskih kategorija.
Berna Sutović iz Gimnazije „30. septembar“, Rožaje (mentorka: Mirsada Bibić Šabotić) osvojila je ubjedljivo prvo mjesto medju 9 finalista sa člankom “Strah me je!” (“I am scared!”).
Višegodišnji finalista i nagrađeni učesnik ovog konkursa, Nikola Kovač iz Gimnazije Kotor (mentorka: Fikreta Adrović) osvojio je prvo mjesto medju 7 finalista sa foto pričom “Reciklaža nije blamaža” (“Recycling embrace, no disgrace”).
Inače, iz Crne Gore plasman u finale konkursa 2023. (medju 5-9 najboljih u kategoriji) ostvarila su još dva rada:
“I ove zime dišemo na škrge” – Nikolina Popara i Aleksa Papić (članak 11-14 godina)
(mentorka: Milica Dačević, Osnovna škola„Janko Mićunović“, Vitalac-Nikšić)
“Novi početak” – Milica Drobnjak (pojedinačna fotografija 11-25 godina)
(mentorka: Andrijana Ćorović, Srednja stručna škola, Bijelo Polje)
Na takmičenje su poslata i dva video rada „Orjen“ – Marija Raičević (mentorka: Branka Rilović, Osnovna škola „Milan Vuković“, Herceg Novi) i „Masline u plamenu“ – Anja Milić (mentorka: Jadranka Tršić, Gimnazija ,,Niko Rolović“, Bar).
Ove školske godine, stiglo je ukupno 232 rada (64 članaka, 47 fotografija, 14 fotopriča, 58 video klipova, 47 medjunarodnih saradnji) iz 37 zemalja, a selekciona komisija Fondacije za ekološku edukaciju odabrala je za finale konkursa 77 radova iz 27 zemalja.
Najviše priznanja imaju Slovačka (6) i Portugal (3), dok Belgija, Indija, Izrael, Malezija i Crna Gora bilježe po dva top plasmana.
Slijedi pregled nagradjenih radova po kategorijama:
1st Place
Title: Our Fight Against Plastic Pollution
Country: Singapore
2nd Place
Title: Plastic Pollution on Nonsuch Island, the Home of the Endangered Cahows
Country: Bermuda
3rd Place
Title: The Rose's Secret: A Gift of Carbon Dioxide
Country: Slovakia
1st Place
Title: I am scared!
Country: Montenegro
2nd Place
Title: Young people: the key to resolving global problems
Country: Switzerland
3rd Place
Title: Plastic Pollution: What can we do about it?
Country: Malaysia
1st Place
Title: Isére massifs : over-visitation of natural parks threatens an emblematic bird
Country: France
2nd Place
Title: Peat-free Gardening: Protecting the Climate
Country: Slovakia
3rd Place
Title: Environmental DNA: Invasives Species Under Investigation
Country: Portugal
1st Place
Title: The northern drought
Country: Mexico
2nd Place
Title: Nature Finds a Way, but at what cost?
Country: Malta
3rd Place
Title: What a risky way to begin my day
Country: Israel
1st Place
Title: We don’t care do you?
Country: Iceland
2nd Place
Title: Grey World
Country: India
3rd Place
Title: The Trash Traveller, the German who fights to save the Portuguese coast
Country: Portugal
1st Place
Title: Recycling Embrace, no disgrace
Country: Montenegro
2nd Place
Title: Reading Without Comprehension
Country: Slovakia
3rd Place
Title: Vertical Gardens: a response to climate urgency
Country: Portugal
1st Place
Title: Food Waste Cafe
Country: New Zealand
2nd Place
Title: The Ballad of 65 Billboards
Country: Slovakia
3rd Place
Title: My Green Land
Country: Israel
Honourable Mention
Title: My Plastic Pandemic Story
Country: Malaysia
1st Place
Title: Think about it
Country: Sweden
2nd Place
Title: Black City
Country: Czechia
3rd Place
Title: They Contaminate the Soil and Foul the Environment
Country: Slovakia
1st Place
Title: Zero Waste Berlin
Country: Belgium
2nd Place
Title: Sustainable Menstruation
Country: Argentina
3rd Place
Title: A Poisoned Paradise
Country: India
1st Place
Title: Tweeting Trouble: Climate Change. Are We Silencing Our Birds?
Countries: Türkiye & Slovenia
2nd Place
Title: Under the Surface: the unknown importance of Wetlands
Country: Portugal – Slovenia
3rd Place
Title: We cannot prevent natural disasters, but we can preserve urban biodiversity
Country: Portugal – Türkiye – Japan
1st Place
Title: The Seventh Continent
Country: Belgium
Honourable Mention
Title: The Rose's Secret: A Gift of Carbon Dioxide
Country: Slovakia